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The Most Searched Types of Jewellery on Google

Category: fashion   Hits: 1169

In 2022, engagement rings are the most searched for piece of jewellery via Google in the UK. In our case study, 30% of all jewellery searches were for engagement rings. Engagement rings also accounted for more than half of all ring searches.

The second most searched for piece of jewellery was gold and diamond rings.

Wedding rings made up just 11% of all the jewellery searches.

This seems rather odd, and suggests that many people are getting engaged, but not married. This could be down to a number of reasons, including weddings being postponed during the pandemic, people preferring longer engagements to enable them to save more money for their special event, people wanting longer engagements to make doubly sure they've committed to the right person, or couples simply breaking off engagements for a variety of other reasons.

In third place came earrings. 40,000 people in our case study searched for diamond earrings, compared with 15,000 searches for gold earrings.

Most Searched Types of Jewellery on Google

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